Children’s Corner — Blotch

30 Mar

511Ia0wTP2L._SX342_BO1,204,203,200_Blotch is a boy who lives in a kingdom where everyone has blotches on their skin. Each time a person is mean or does something wrong, another spot appears. Hoping to find someone who knows how to get rid of the spots, Blotch strikes out on a journey. At the first village he meets the Hiders, who merely cover their spots. Next, the Pretenders simply deny they even have spots. A third village is full of the Blamers, who constantly fight and blame each other for their rapidly multiplying stains. Fearful and frustrated, Blotch finally meets a kind stranger who has the solution for removing the spots permanently. But an elated Blotch is shocked to find out that the humble stranger is actually the King, and the solution requires that the King take the spots on Himself—a sacrifice that will change Blotch and his family forever.

Much like Jesus’ use of parables to help His listeners understand and remember spiritual lessons, Blotch is a parable that helps kids grasp the concepts of sin, salvation, and redemption in a way that is memorable and engaging. Each chapter includes a parent/child discussion guide that would also work well in small groups or classrooms. A simple story with an accessible message, Blotch is an excellent vehicle to teach kids about the Gospel.

9720586_300x300Andy Addis is the pastor of a multi-site church in Kansas ( and the creator of AddiMedia. He is married to Kathy and has two awesome boys named Noah and Nathan. They have lived in rural Kansas and inner city Fort Worth and love life in both places.


My Impressions:

Wow! What a great book to teach your children about sin and their need for a Savior. Blotch is a book that will take your family on a journey of discovery — how do we get the blotches that mar our lives and what can we do to clean them up? I loved each chapter as title character Blotch finds people with the same blotches on their skin and the many ways they either hid them or ignored them or blamed others for them. At the end of his journey Blotch discovers that only the king could remove his stains. And what a great picture of our King as He removes our sins and takes them on Himself! Blotch includes a chapter by chapter guide for parents, including object lessons and discussion questions. I wish I had had this book when my kids were growing up! It is a fun and clear picture of our falling short of the mark and God’s provision through His mercy and grace.

Highly Recommended.

Audience: families.

To purchase this book, click HERE.

(Thanks to B&H for a review copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)

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