Book Review: The Sacred Cipher

21 Jun

424267_w185History’s greatest secret could be tomorrow’s greatest threat. More historically and biblically accurate than The DaVinci Code and just as adventurous as an Indiana Jones movie, The Sacred Cipher combines action and mystery to draw readers into a world of ancient secrets and international escapades. When an ancient scroll appears in a secret room of the Bowery Mission in New York City, Tom Bohannon is both stunned and intrigued. The enigma of the scroll’s contents will send Bohannon and his team ricocheting around the world, drawing the heat of both Jewish and Muslim militaries, and bringing the Middle East to the brink of nuclear war in this heart-pounding adventure of historical proportions. 



5b87810ae7a0b1bcce613210.L._V234389690_Terry Brennan has had an extensive career in journalism, winning several awards, including the Freedoms Foundation Award for editorial writing. Terry served eleven years as the vice president of operations for The Bowery Mission in New York City and is currently a management consultant.

My Impressions:

If you like Brown’s The DaVinci Code or are an Indiana Jones fan, you need to try Terry Brennan’s The Sacred Cipher. Full of historical detail and heart-pounding adventure, this novel has a faith message that is neither preachy or watered down. A good suspense novel filled with historical details and present day intrigue, it is also the prequel to The Brotherhood Conspiracy that I will be reviewing in a few weeks.

Tom Bohannon is the director of the Bowery Mission in New York City. During a renovation project, a long hidden office containing a safe full of valuable manuscripts is discovered and pulls Tom, along with other colleagues into an international and historical mystery. As the group works to uncover the meaning of the ancient scroll, a determined band of Muslim extremists set out to retrieve the scroll and stop the research at any cost. When Tom’s group discovers the hidden message and the danger that surrounds them, they head to Jerusalem, resolved to expose the long hidden Third Temple for the world to see. But once in Jerusalem, the group finds themselves the target of others — the Israeli’s and the Muslims determined to protect the Temple Mount. They must use their wits not just to find the ancient treasure, but to survive.

The Sacred Cipher is a plot driven novel, but Brennan has created some great characters. He also has created a meticulously researched mystery that just could happen. I especially liked the inclusion of real life historical figures such as Charles Haddon Spurgeon. What a great surprise to find this revered theologian at the front of a dangerous quest for answers! If you like books, archeology, Biblical prophecy and a fast-paced, suspenseful read, then The Sacred Cipher is for you.


(I purchased The Sacred Cipher for my Kindle. The opinions expressed are mine alone.)

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2 Responses to “Book Review: The Sacred Cipher”


  1. Saturday Review of Books: June 22, 2013 | Semicolon - July 13, 2013

    […] (Wool Omnibus)29. Beth@Weavings (Pigeon Post)30. Annie Kate (The Autobiograph of Charles Finney)31. Beckie @ ByTheBook (The Sacred Cipher)32. Beckie @ ByTheBook (Barefoot Summer)33. Beckie @ ByTheBook (Home Run)34. Beckie @ ByTheBook […]

  2. Book Review: The Brotherhood Conspiracy | BY THE BOOK - July 26, 2013

    […] suspense/intrigue that Terry Brennan began in his first novel, The Sacred Cipher (read review HERE.) Following his adventure in Jerusalem to uncover the Third Temple, Tom Bohannon is back in New […]

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